CTN Animation Expo 2012
It 12/12/12 and while the world is contemplating why that matters I give you my CTN Animation Expo 2012 Video Review!! If you haven't seen the review I did last year yet you can feast your eyeholes on it now.
TRIVIA!Let's see how well you paid attention to the video. The first one to guess the name of each person (top-to-bottom, left-to-right, including me & repeating) AND how many times I say "tips" in the video gets a free caricature of themselves from me!Be careful with the first picture, if you pay attention in the video there are 2 people to name there.
(check out more on my tumblr)

Please leave a comment, play the trivia and let me know what you thought of the review......or I will release this creepy elf on you