ROVP #15 “Turtles Forever” – guest Jon Gorga

MOVIE:"Turtles Forever" (2009)GUEST:
Look at this guy! JON GORGA reprises his righteous role as our official "comic book guy" guest. First it was Batman, and now it is none other than the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES (or if you're from the UK... "Hero Turtles"... SMH)!For dedicated viewers, you'll remember that JON GORGA writes for an excellent comic blog called The Long and Shortbox of It (clever) as well as posts his own webcomic series at The Comicsmithy.That's all excellent but this viewing party was THE DAY AFTER HIS BIRTHDAY!!
This Rubber Onion Viewing Party is especially meaningful to me because...
Sure, alright... I'm a "Turtle Nerd." An über-nerd, to be sure.But if I'm a TMNT Junkie then JON GORGA IS MY DEALER!The concept of this movie simple:
The various iterations we've known throughout the last 3 decades are actually different versions of the Turtles in separate dimensions within a multiverse. The Turtles from the comics, 80s cartoon and the 2k3 series cross paths and team up to defeat the Shredder(s).
How can you NOT watch that??On a serious note... the animation for the 2k3 series was really excellent for a Saturday morning cartoon and the team took a very respectful approach to the stories and didn't dumb things down (particularly in plot). What we got was an epic series of entangled tales and amazing action scenes that made me want to get up early on a Saturday morning again!As of this post there is a copy of "Turtles Forever” up on YouTube, so directly below this is the embedded Vimeo archived video of the Live show. Play that first. After that play the YouTube link below that when I call for it in the video… that’s it! Enjoy, and comments are welcome!!