
Top 5 Underrated Animated Films
No good blog is complete without an "underrated" list, but that's not why I wrote this. Actually, there is a fascinating type of market forensics that comes into play after a film that was expected to perform well... doesn't.Some movies that didn't perform well in theaters are considered classics today (Wizard of Oz, Willie Wonka, etc). Many more movies performed well in theaters that are considered crap today (do I really need to list them?).For a select few, there is a sad limbo designated for films that are great movies but are being held back by the metrics by which they're judged: critical rating or profit. And that’s the setup for this list…

Copyright and What Animators Need To Know About It - Parody, Fair Use, Fan Art
As an animator, it's important to me to be able to pull from collectively known culture (sometimes "pop," sometimes old) in order to tell a visual story. Culture is a language that we can use to communicate and connect with others and the wider that particular culture is (meaning that of music, stories, and now film) the more people you, as an artist, can reach. But then there's Copyright, which stands in the way of using certain types of culture because it's protected. That can feel unnecessary until it's YOUR work that you don't want appropriated for another use than what you intended. Having something fall out of your hands like that feels like stealing, but is it? I've taken the last couple months reading and compiling information in order to distill it down for you, the animator, whether you're concerned about your use of copyrighted material in parody, fan art or question why it even exists in the first place. Why is the copyright term so long anyway? All (relatively speaking) will be revealed!