
Podcastimation: "What Was Wrong With MAN OF STEEL?"

Podcastimation: "What Was Wrong With MAN OF STEEL?"

Way back in episode 1 of "The Rubber Onion" animation podcast we had a conversation about the new (at the time) Superman film "Man of Steel." You should click that link up there to listen to the entire episode because we say a lot more about it but aside from the obvious problem we had with it (especially two New Yorkers watching it in a theater in the heart of Manhattan, there was one scene in particular that stood out as... not great), it seemed to reference a bunch of movies just in the first 5 minutes. I'll give the "300" reference a pass since "Man of Steel" was directed by Zak Snyder who also directed "300" but in any case... we'll probably still be in line for "Batman V Superman." Long live Batfleck!

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