ROVP #11 “Batman: Mask of the Phantasm” – guest Jon Gorga

MOVIE:"Batman: Mask of the Phantasm"GUEST:JON GORGA, a comic book aficionado who writes for The Long and Shortbox of It as well as posts his own webcomic series at The Comicsmithy.
"Batman: The Animated Series" is considered by many to be the greatest animated TV show, comic book related and not. So when the same team of Bruce Timm, Alan Burnett and Paul Dini produced a feature animated film that would be a continuation as well as a prequel to the series but still requiring no previous knowledge of the character it was sure to go down in history as the greatest Batman film ever (especially that this came out in the 90's on the wings of the terrible Schumacher Batman films)... and it did!
It was especially interesting to see where he came from on the comic book side of the coin, while I looked toward it as an animator. As of this post there is a copy of "Batman: Mask of the Phantasm" up on YouTube, so directly below this is the embed UStream archived video of the Live show. Play that first. After that play the YouTube link below that when I call for it... that's it! Enjoy, and comments are welcome!!