VLOG #4: Voice Acting

I love doing voices... always have; the difference is now I get to do them for work! When doing voices you really just want to make sure that the characters that have lines back to back sound different enough from one another... the character designs will carry the illusion the rest of the way.I hope you enjoy watching me make all the faces and noises because cutting up the footage for this VLOG was definitely the weirdest time yet.I mention "motivation" in the intro; at the time of this taping I was coming off of 3 hours of sleep and hardly ready to record voices. The point is that when the work needs to get done you just need to get started, and usually you'll fall back into a groove part way into the process.Also important, when trying to overcome a motivational hump when faced with a more creative part of the process (like Voice Acting) you don't necessarily need to make it a full day's work. This was a half day, but I got the Voice Acting and Soundtrack Mix done and was able to keep the energy level up for the recordings... the rest of the day was to recoup for the next day. Even on your worst days, if you can knock SOMETHING off your to-do list you can consider it a success.Working from home often lives or dies on small successes. If you have any questions please direct them to the comments section below.You can follow my updates on twitter (http://www.twitter.com/rubberonion) and facebook (http://www.facebook.com/rubberonion) for more info on what will be released, when. As always, thanks for the support everyone!Don't forget to subscribe, join this site using FriendConnect (using your google, twitter, or yahoo accounts), and/or become a fan of Rubber Onion Animation on facebook (links in the sidebars)


VLOG #5: Animatic


VLOG #3: Storyboarding