Andy Serkissmyass
Andy Serkis is an ass. We talk about that & the stuff he said in a recent interview but 1ST... "MIKE TYSON MYSTERIES!" This is a thing, you guys, it's going to be on Adult Swim's 2014 lineup and it sounds amazing. We also talk about the "Akira" live-action fan film trailer & Adam Sandler determined to ruin one of my favorite animated shorts from 2010, "Pixels." Rob and Stephen recorded this a day early so Pat recorded his thoughts on the stories and is dropped in randomly throughout the podcast just to confuse your brain... just listen for the bell, which heralds The Pat and says that he's near! But seriously, Andy Serkis is an ass.
Annotations: out more of your hosts:Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)And please Rate/Review us on iTunes
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