RubberOnion Animation

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Varying style of animation are being discussed here: claymation, digital warm-up pencil-tests, oil painting comic style and puppetry! We also had a lot of great RAPID FIRE topics submitted by you listeners and a Slow Burn question about ONLINE vs FESTIVAL distribution of your short film. Also, coffee + whiskey and suggestive gummy candies.[audio:|titles=The Rubber Onion - #80: "Indianamators"]   


(8:58)   Spanish claymation horror film "Pos Eso" (English title, 'Possessed') by Sam.
(20:20)   Geoff King's "30 Days of Animation" short project
(30:24)   Benjamin Renner (dir. "Ernest and Celestine") directing 30min special based on his comic "The Big Bad Fox"
(40:16)   The Muppets return to TV with ABC show
(47:23)   RAPID FIRE!!!!!!!!
(1:09:41)   Slow Burn Question: "I want to get your thoughts on what you think the most effective method of publishing an original short is? What are the implications of going the festival route as opposed to publishing online immediately, if any? Is there a criteria you think you could apply to your own shorts, that might separate them into what’s festival material and what’s Newgrounds/Youtube material?" ~Martin Bell

 "Pos Eso" trailer "30 Days of Animation" by Geoff King Benjamin Renner's "The Big Bad Fox" animation test Check out more of your hosts:Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)ICON-itunes-50x50And please Rate/Review us on iTunesICON-stitcher-50x50... and Rate/Review us on Stitcher while you're at it! (=