RubberOnion Animation

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Onion House

Pat couldn't join in this week, so Stephen and Rob decided to discuss their own experiences in building an animation brand (indie and freelance) on the internet, and what trials, tribulations, and learning experiences they had to go through to get where they are now. Just like episode 25, we hope you enjoy this departure from the normal "stories of the week" format and encourage you to join the conversation in the comments section below![audio:|titles=The Rubber Onion - #35: "Onion House"]    First thing Stephen ever uploaded to YouTube: "Making Of" Frank freaking out scene from "Three's Horrible" (3 video playlist) First thing Rob ever uploaded to YouTube: Monster throwing up babies (very "Rob") Stephen's VLOG series chronicling the creation of an animated short (playlist)  Check out more of your hosts:Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)ICON-itunes-50x50And please Rate/Review us on iTunesICON-stitcher-50x50... and Rate/Review us on Stitcher while you're at it! (=