Tahn Tahng
Pat is sick. The kind of sick that puts you in the fetal position. So Rob & I take this podcast solo and we do a terrible job. The kind of terrible job that circles back around to awesome "Sharknado" style. In this episode we talk about Netflix and what it means to the industry, Ron & John's new film, and of course... princesses. Rob & I also try our hand at being radio show DJs. We are bad. The kind of bad that you can only get at a high school radio class. Enjoy! (=[audio:http://traffic.libsyn.com/rubberonion/the_rubber_onion-ep7-tahn_tahng.mp3|titles=The Rubber Onion - #7: "Tahn Tahng"]
"He-Man" behind the scenes
"The problem with princesses" Op Ed
New "Powerpuff Girls" Special
Check out more of your hosts:Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)