Young Funny, Old Money
While there weren't a lot of media type animation stories (except for The Good Dinosaur trailer which is covered), that didn't stop this episode from turning into one of the more interesting ones filled will discussions over the roll cartoons play in a child's development, the nature of copyright in the internet age, why the Surface Pro 4 is a sign that Microsoft is doing more for the creatives of today than Apple... oh and there's an Emoji movie being developed... which ALSO turned into an interesting discussion over public domain stories! We also field a question about if these two 2D (hand-drawn) animators would/will ever dabble in 3D (computer modeling). Enjoy the last week of "Stephen's traveling audio" because next week I'll be back in the office and I'll be crystal clear!
"Trump Hogan" by Rob Yulfo (based off moment @2:38-4:00 of this podcast) Fan Art from Greg Pugh on twitter (based off moment @4:40-5:22 of this podcast) "The Good Dinosaur" trailer Check out more of your hosts:Stephen Brooks (@RubberOnion)Rob Yulfo (@RobYulfo)Pat Ryan (@TheBadPatRyan)
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