Trivia Question #3

"What is the significance behind this Bugs Bunny clip?"

Hey everyone! Since you all were SO good at guessing the last couple trivia questions I'm going to do something new to pick the winner this time: after a week of guessing, I'm going to put the name of everyone who guessed the answer correctly in a bag, shake it, and select the winner of the prize! I might actually live-stream it as well if there's enough interest (first I'll actually have to figure out how to do that!). Just like last time, though, I'm going to keep the comments hidden for a few days so that MANY people can participate without the risk of cheating off others so you should make sure to answer because this time, with the lottery method, everyone who guesses correctly has the same chance as anyone to win the prize!!! I'll announce what the prize is when the winner is chosen!

Bugs Bunny says...
Ehhhhhhh... Good luck, Onions!
(Remember, you must be on my e-mail list to be eligible for the prize. You can sign up and then participate, but the RSS feed must be active so when you put in your e-mail address don't forget to look for the confirmation e-mail, THEN you can participate. Put your e-mail in the top right of this website where it says "SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES")
The winner has been picked!... and the winner is... Crooklyn (Stephie Daniels) from TapouT Radio

Here's her comment:

This episode was important because Bugs was originally slated to fall to his death.From "The Heckling Hare" (1941). There was supposed to be a surprise waiting for Bugs and "Willoughby" after the "fade-out", when they fall through ANOTHER hole {Bugs: "Hold onto your hats, we go again!'}...but Leon Schlesinger vetoed the idea of Bugs Bunny falling to his doom, and ordered that footage removed. Director Tex Avery objected, Schlesinger suspended him, with Tex finally quitting the studio to join MGM.

While Bugs wasn't ACTUALLY supposed to fall to his death, the fear was that leaving the end of the cartoon that way would leave "the less sophisticated" (reads: kids) to assume that Bugs had died, and this wasn't a button Warner Brothers was ready to push.Here was the prize for this week's trivia question. Since this short, "The Heckling Hare," was the one that prompted the great Tex Avery to leave Warner Brothers for MGM the prize is the book "Tex Avery, the MGM Years": 

Prize for Trivia Question 3 Tex Avery the MGM years!

... but there's a catch! "Crooklyn" said she really is just a sucker for trivia questions, so what she told me and the rest of our UStream show was that she would like to put the prize for this trivia question as well as the prize for the last trivia question she won AS WELL AS a prize or two of her own (she mentions a $25 Amazon gift certificate) into a prize kitty that can be a HUGE prize for my next giveaway!I'll make a post on when and what that giveaway will be SOON so stay tuned for that!So, if you're reading this you might have missed the very first UStream LIVE video!! I embedded it below for your enjoyment...

Excuse the "um's" and "uh's" and keep a lookout for the NEXT Ustream broadcast and a new prize giveaway!


VLOG #7: Music


"My Friend the Computer: 1 - Three, Two, One..."