VLOG #7: Music

I'M BACK!!We actually literally just moved into a new apartment yesterday and I'm sitting in my new office surrounded by boxes and I can't WAIT to start some really cool stuff in here (stay tuned for that)!This was a long time coming, I know, but I try to explain at least a little bit of why in the beginning. Hopefully this is a good VLOG to come back to after a couple months but now that everything is where it needs to be they'll come more often.Basically my method of writing music is to pick a speed, jam to that to get an idea of where I'd like to go... then rinse and repeat the jamming over with the other instruments. The further you get along the song the easier it becomes.The only thing I didn't mention, because of time restrictions (10 min maximum on YouTube), was that there are a few points in the song where I wanted it to sound more serious and another where I needed a break. There's no difference in the method for those parts: just break up your song into mini-queues and take each one accordingly.... and don't worry, you'll get to see the animatic with the sound fx, dialog, AND music in the VLOG where I do the animation (=CAN'T WAIT!! Thanks for the support everyone and leave some love below, it energizes me to keep doing these!


ROVP #10 "Spirited Away" - guests Rob Yulfo & Caresse Singh


Trivia Question #3